PMG Logistic offers customers a full range of logistics services. As an international carrier with many years of experience in the transport and logistics market, PMG Logistic is a reliable company that takes a serious and professional approach to solving any logistics-related problems. We strive to optimize all business processes related to cargo delivery.
Tashkent city, Zangiota district, Eshonguzar, Ohunboboyev 1A
years of experience
more than tons
hectares of warehouse space
We guarantee that your goods will arrive safely and in good quality
Make the payment type in any method
Deliver your goods on time and faster
Free consultation and support from professionals
Flexible price policy, punctuality, responsibility and professionalism, as well as development of optimal transport schemes
Any kind of raw materials and besides your goods to all regions of Uzbekistan We deliver reliably and quickly.
Europe - Uzbekistan Asia - Uzbekistan CIS - Uzbekistan China - Uzbekistan
From one ton, in unlimited quantities, all types of cargo at the most affordable price we will deliver
We help you transport your containers by train send or pick up
Choose the address of the cargo and the address of delivery!
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